Thursday, February 14, 2013

In situ

Lark Nest Design, this blog’s for you.

A new chapter: Furniture. (For the back story, click here.)
I bought this funky mid-century table+chairs for a song, and muscled it into the Loveless truck just as the organizers of a nearby estate sale were locking up the doors.

It needed the care and attention of someone with imagination and spunk. To the rescue: Lark Nest's Kim Yeager, who somehow can see the beauty that lies beneath.

So, Ms. Yeager, here’s that "in situ" photo you requested. (I know, sparse. But hey, we don't even have plates!)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Winter Fest

We’re what they call “Weekenders” in our new Wisconsin community. You get the drift: we make our home in the city and head to the country on the weekend.

But Chris and I got a warm welcome from the locals last Saturday when we jumped in with both snowshoes at the Balsam Lake Winter Fest, a convivial event put on by the Chamber of Commerce.

Maybe it was Chris and his crazy costume that broke the ice … hmmm ... not sure. People kept taking his picture and giving him beer.

One of many Balsam Lakers who wanted to meet the Beer Man. 

A highlight (aside from the drag races on Balsam Lake and the minnow races at the Thirsty Otter) was partaking in the first-annual 5K snowshoe "race." Thankfully, it turned out to be a lovely walk through the woods, despite the 3-below-zero temps or something crazy cold. The nine of us, plus a dazzling German Shepherd named "Blade," enjoyed fresh snow, a windless morning and bright sunshine on snowshoes. Spectacular.

At the American Legion hall, we learned a little more local lore, much of it from a guy who had a real name but told us most people called him Cowboy. We enjoyed his company, even as he kept talking up the Fawn-Doe-Rosa, which we had here-to-fore considered more worthwhile as a primo parking lot for people trying to sell cars and boats.

With Cowboy's urging, we splurged on raffle tickets and an extra portion of soul-warming booya, a pot-roast stew that members of the Sportsman's Club were slow-cooking in giant caldrons over an open fire. The pot was so big and the stew so thick, they stirred it with a wooden paddle.

Life is good.

My new best friend, the Thirsty Otter. Also a great local hangout spot.
Booya! Just saying the name makes me happy.

A scenic spot on the 5K showshoe race.
Those racing 4 x 4 trucks left nothin' but snow trails in their wake.