Friday, March 25, 2016

A toast

We made a little birthday toast to the absent Chipper a few weeks back. Then this Snoopy image floated across my Twitter feed. So I'm doing a sappy little posting here. Just because.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Still Life with Woodpecker

This birch tree's days are surely numbered, but hopefully not before we have a chance to watch the unfolding of this pileated woodpecker's handiwork. A male has been hard at work excavating this handsome roost. Perhaps he already has attracted a mate and they'll do their part to bring a little love 2 Loveless.

The woodpeckers (redheaded, of course) abandon their nests once the brood is raised. But songbirds -- and even owls and tree-nesting ducks -- often move in and enjoy the space. We can only hope.

The lake may be frozen, but spring is in the air!