Tuesday, January 22, 2013


It has taken 13 months, but we’ve completed the major chores standing in the way of making the weeHouse functional. Hip hip hooray!

The time lag is a bit appalling as I write this. But in between, Chris endured a serious hand injury, the weeHouse took on water, the builder ditched us, we built a retaining wall to stop the mudslide, and hired a landscaper to grade the hill and plant grass. We also built a walkway and two decks and -- most important -- spent a little time fishing, canoeing and hanging out at the fire pit.

Some before-and-afters:

March 2012: Ikea kitchen in need of doors, drawers.

January 2013: Cabinets complete, Richlite countertop sealed, new faucet installed.
The kitchen reconfiguration turned into a major effort, not least because the very thought of setting foot in Ikea gave me the hives. Alchemy left me room for an oven next to the fridge (which I decided could wait), so I put in doors and a drawer. Putting in a full-sized sink created a multitude of cascading issues eventually solved with a trip to Rockler Hardware for a hinge that would work.

As for the poor, beautiful weeHouse bamboo floors....

November 2012

... they became waterlogged this spring, buckled and turned black at the edges. Alchemy continued to hang in there with us, providing new bamboo floor and hiring Chris to install it.

Now, furniture!

Today: Lovely.

1 comment:

  1. oh man. i hate ikea with a deep deep passion. but what a beautiful light-filled room. and what a lovely kitchen!
