Saturday, March 15, 2014

Dan, Dan the Plumber Man

Winter released its icy grip long enough for me to get to Loveless for a long-delayed meeting with Dan the Plumber last week. He restored running water to the kitchen after our pipes froze in January, and installed the drain in the shower – the first step to getting a functional bathroom. Whoohoo! 

I made it down to the lake for what could be the season’s final snowshoe outing, a slushy but sunny tour. The ice houses are gone and the extra hours of sunlight are making a dent into the snowpack, which was thigh-high as I trudged down the hill.


1 comment:

  1. Wait, you did not have running water in your kitchen for weeks? How did you cope? Dan the plumber must have been a very busy man this winter, for he was never available for a quick fix. Hopefully you got all of your pipe problems fixed by now!
    Levi Eslinger @
