Monday, December 27, 2010

Cosmic meaning or coincidence?

This whole notion of a second home, a cabin, a place at the lake ... I never had much ambition for it. Which makes the fact that I bought a neglected slice of lakeside property in Wisconsin all the more bizarre.

But because I’m the type who likes to see cosmic meaning where others merely see coincidence, great things started flowing my way as the journey to Loveless unfolded.

  • My friend Ramona phoned me up out of the blue (she had no idea about my wild hair) and asked me if I could use a canoe that belonged to her late husband -- and my very special mate -- William. (Did I ever!)
  • Another friend, Ruth, called and offered up a pop-up trailer that had been growing mold at her Minnesota cabin and was in need of a new home. (Come on up to Loveless!)
  • Chris came upon a brand new hand auger for $5. (Florida girl learns how to ice fish!)
  • Neighbors set out a most excellent fire pit in their trash.

I try not to think too much about the whys and wherefores of this new adventure. In William's wise words, I just try to “be with it.”

Right now, we’re hoping some cosmic force will put a mini-van or truck (in their final life stages) in our path. Let's make a deal.

1 comment:

  1. Let's make a deal indeed! The cosmic forces are in full swing for you and with you, Jackie! This was meant to be!
