Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Progress is a comfortable chair. For some reason, it took us a while to figure that one out. But now we’ve assembled a hodgepodge of acquired Adirondacks to make our time around the melted fire bowl much more enjoyable. We might could even welcome some friends to the moshpit before too long.

On the nesting front, I hung my grandmother’s vintage curtains in the walkout bedroom, which improved our glamping experience immensely. Now we have some hope of sleeping past the 5:30 a.m. sunrise. Not that an early rise on Loveless Lake isn’t totally awesome. The last time we were there the loons woke us up. Loons! And we’ve seen the eagle(s?) on nearly every trip.

Also on the nature front, Chris and Mike spotted a perfectly formed bear track in the mud behind the weeHouse a few weeks back. And on a canoe trip around Loveless last weekend, they ran across a Northern they said was at least 18 pounds. It was dead and floating, but still. They thought it was a sign of good fishin’ days ahead. I haven’t fished since I was a tadpole myself, so every day’s a good fishin’ day as far as I’m concerned.

Otherwise, the rain and record heat have pretty much stymied our progress. We’ve had 22 days at or above 90 degrees so far this summer and have done zippo landscaping work on the mudslide hill. Thank goodness the silt fence hasn’t burst right open.

My friend Ramona suggests I put up a sign that says “2015” to inject a little patience into the process.

I’m warming to the quirky (applied to me and Loveless, that is) observation of Albert Einstein, who said: “The faster you go, the shorter you are.”

1 comment:

  1. Now THAT looks like how cabin life should be!! Feet up and beer in hand!
