Thursday, December 26, 2013

Snowy, dusty Christmas

The downstairs drywall project is rounding the home stretch, though Chris might insert “never ending” in there somewhere. What a messy, dusty, and seriously unrelenting job.

Chipper and I avoided the dust and camped out upstairs on the new weeHouse sofas on our last visit, which coincided with the two-year anniversary of the landing of the beautiful pre-fab on Dec. 22.

We arrived to at least a foot of fresh snow, which I love, because it’s so easy to see the footprints of all the critters passing through. 

Summers at Loveless are full of energy and color. But I'm finding I relish the stillness of winter -- especially when sipping a cup of coffee inside the toasty weeHouse!


  1. i love being the first out in the park to see the tracks in the snow, too.
    what animals have been visiting?

    1. Good question. Bunnies and deer (and the dog next door), for sure. We saw a bear track one spring, and this fall I saw a gang of wild turkey, which was really a crank. I need to get better at reading tracks in the snow. Somewhere I have a piece of stationery that has pictures of them....

  2. I'm loving all that glass, seeing all the way through! So gorgeous. How well does she keep heat? In fact, what do you use for heat? Propane?

  3. See "Busted." It's so small that a space heater can warm her up pretty quickly. But my heat (LP tank) didn't keep up in these long stretches of brutality. And I didn't get up there for several weeks. Lessons, lessons.
